

First of all, gcd can be written in one line:

int gcd(int a, int b) { return (b ? gcd(b, a%b) : abs(a)); }
// This code works well for any signed integers except the pair (0, 0).

If we speak of large number gcd, we should include binary algorithm as it is much easier to implement for large numbers. Here is the code for ints:

int gcd(int a, int b) {
	if (a == 0) return b;
	if (b == 0) return a;
	if (a%2==0 && b%2==0) return gcd(a/2, b/2) * 2;
	else if (a%2 == 0) return gcd(a/2, b);
	else if (b%2 == 0) return gcd(a, b/2);
	else return (a>=b ? gcd(a-b, b) : gcd(a, b-a));

Works for nonnegative numbers only (except zero pair as always). Time is O(h^2).

I think we should make the extended Euclid algorithm clear:

int Euclid(int a, int b, int &x, int &y) {
	if (b == 0) {
		x = (a<0 ? -1 : 1);
		y = 0;
		return a*x;
	int q = a/b;
	int r = a%b;
	int d = Euclid(b, r, y, x);
	y -= q*x;
	return d;
int x, y;
g = Euclid(a, b, x, y);

This code returns g = gcd(a, b) and also finds such x and y that: a*x + b*y = g

It works for any pair of signed numbers (except zero pair). Moreover, the solution it finds is almost minimal in absolute value:

|x| <= |b|/g
|y| <= |a|/g

This experimental fact often allows us not to be afraid of overflow.

The solution for general diophantine equation includes a lot of cases such as a==0 or b==0 of c==0 plus signs of a and b etc.

Do we really need to include it? The extended Euclid algorithm code is sufficient to find reciprocal element modulo M which is the most common usage.


There exists an infinitely large grid. You are currently at point (1, 1), and you need to reach the point (targetX, targetY) using a finite number of steps.

In one step, you can move from point (x, y) to any one of the following points:

(x, y - x)
(x - y, y)
(2 * x, y)
(x, 2 * y)

Given two integers targetX and targetY representing the X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of your final position, return true if you can reach the point from (1, 1) using some number of steps, and false otherwise.

class Solution:
    def isReachable(self, targetX: int, targetY: int) -> bool:
        tx, ty = targetX, targetY
        while tx & 1 == 0:
            tx >>= 1
        while ty & 1 == 0:
            ty >>= 1
        g = math.gcd(tx, ty)
        if g == 1:
            return True
            return False