
A Cartesian tree or deramid (Treap) is a data structure that combines a binary search tree and a binary heap. Hence its second name: treap (tree + heap) and deramid (tree + pyramid).

More strictly, this is a binary tree whose nodes contain two values, a key and a priority. It is also a binary search tree by key and a heap by priority. Assuming that all keys and all priorities are different, we find that if a tree item contains (x₀, y₀), then all elements (x, y) in the left subtree are such that x < x₀, all the elements in the right subtree are such that x > x₀, as well as the left and right subtree have: y < y₀. For example

Theorem-1: Given a set of nodes i.e (Bᵢ, Hᵢ) pairs (with distinct Hᵢ's), only a unique cartesian tree would exist for these nodes irrespective of their order of insertion.

Proof: For a given set of nodes , the node with maximum priority would form the root of the cartesian tree. All the nodes with key less than(equal to) the B𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑡 would lie in the left subtree of root and all the nodes with key greater than B𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑡 will lie in the right subtree. Now inductively the left and right subtrees can be built.

Theorem-2: Random assignment of Hᵢ values in a Cartesian Tree helps maintain the height of the tree to be approximately O(𝑙𝑜𝑔 n).

Intuition: In a simple BST , the height of the BST depends upon the choice of the root . The closer the root lies to the median of the given data, the better would be the height . Say we insert (a₁, a₂, ..., aₙ), any element can become the root aᵢ if it has maximum priority, since the elements ≤ aᵢ go to left subtree and remaining go to right subtree, we can think of it like quick sort algorithm. Therefore the height will be O(𝑙𝑜𝑔 n).


Comaprision with other BSTs

Rotating version of Treaps

In a BST there are two simple operations that allows us to modify the tree and keep the BST property, the right and left rotations.



Inserting an element based on rotations. Say we want to insert an element (9, 41). The first step is to ignore the priorities and insert like a BST, We can search the position where it has to be inserted based on the key. Even though BST property is being preserved, the heap property is not. We will use rotations to fix the heap property.


Split and Merge

Treap supports two basic and unique operations: split and merge , both in O(H) where H is height of treap i.e O(logN).




If the key we want to split is greater than root X then

If the key we want to split is less than root X then

def split(t: Treap, k: int) -> Treap, Treap:
  if t == None
    return None, None     
  else if k > t.x 
    t1, t2 = split(t.right, k)
    t.right = t1
    return t, t2
    t1, t2 = split(t.left, k)
    t.left = t2
    return t1, t


If priority of X > priority of Y

If priority of X < priority of Y

def merge(t1: Treap, t2: Treap) -> Treap:
  if t2 == None
    return t1
  if t1 == None
    return t2
  else if t1.y > t2.y
    t1.right = merge(t1.right, t2)
    return t1
    t2.left = merge(t1, t2.left)
    return t2

Operations on Treap using Split and Merge(Non-rotating version)


Split once, and Merge twice.

insert(T,k) - where k.x is the key and k.y is the priority

Implementation #1 uses two merge operations, In second implementation merge is not used at all.


Split twice and Merge once.

remove(T, x) removes node with key x from the tree T

The first implementation uses split operatioin, and in the second implementation, split is not used at all.

C++ implementation

mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

struct item {
    int key, prior;
    item * l, * r;
    item() { }
    item (int key, int prior) : key(key), prior(prior), l(NULL), r(NULL) { }
typedef item * pitem;

// splits into <=key and >key
void split (pitem t, int key, pitem & l, pitem & r) {
    if (!t)
        l = r = NULL;
    else if (key < t->key) // key is in left node, split left
        split (t->l, key, l, t->l),  r = t;
        split (t->r, key, t->r, r),  l = t;

void merge (pitem & t, pitem l, pitem r) {
    if (!l || !r)
        t = l ? l : r;
    else if (l->prior > r->prior)
        merge (l->r, l->r, r),  t = l;
        merge (r->l, l, r->l),  t = r;

void insert (pitem & t, pitem it) {
    if (!t)
        t = it;
    else if (it->prior > t->prior)
        split (t, it->key, it->l, it->r),  t = it;
        insert (it->key < t->key ? t->l : t->r, it);

void erase (pitem & t, int key) {
    if (t->key == key) {
        pitem th = t;
        merge (t, t->l, t->r);
        delete th;
        erase (key < t->key ? t->l : t->r, key);

pitem unite (pitem l, pitem r) {
    if (!l || !r)  return l ? l : r;
    if (l->prior < r->prior)  swap (l, r);
    pitem lt, rt;
    split (r, l->key, lt, rt);
    l->l = unite (l->l, lt);
    l->r = unite (l->r, rt);
    return l;

We can maintain additional properties in the node like count - number of nodes in subtre. When a tree changes (nodes are added or removed etc.), cnt of some nodes should be updated accordingly. We'll create two functions: cnt() will return the current value of cnt or 0 if the node does not exist, and upd_cnt() will update the value of cnt for this node assuming that for its children L and R the values of cnt have already been updated. Evidently it's sufficient to add calls of upd_cnt() to the end of insert, erase, split and merge to keep cnt values up-to-date.

struct item {
    int key, prior, cnt;
    item * l, * r;
    item() { }
    item (int key, int prior) : key(key), prior(prior), l(NULL), r(NULL) { }

int cnt (pitem t) {
    return t ? t->cnt : 0;

void upd_cnt (pitem t) {
    if (t)
        t->cnt = 1 + cnt(t->l) + cnt (t->r);

void split (pitem t, int key, pitem & l, pitem & r) {
    if (!t)
        l = r = NULL;
    else if (key < t->key) // key is in left node, split left
        split (t->l, key, l, t->l),  r = t;
        split (t->r, key, t->r, r),  l = t;

void insert (pitem & t, pitem it) {
    if (!t)
        t = it;
    else if (it->prior > t->prior)
        split (t, it->key, it->l, it->r),  t = it;
        insert (it->key < t->key ? t->l : t->r, it);

Using cnt we can support finding k-th element in the treap. We can also store other metadata like sum of nodes in the subtree etc. We can even add values to all nodes > some_value using lazy tag at the corresponding node.


Offline Building

Algorithm 1 O(n log n)

Say we are given x₁ < x₂ < .. < xₙ, we can randomly assign priorities y₁, y₂, .., yₙ, now we have pairs (xᵢ,yᵢ). Let's sort the elements according to priorities. Choose the first element and make it the root, all the elements less that root.x will go to left subtree and all other elements go to right child. We can do this recursively. Since the priorities are assigned randomly, the height of the tree is expected O(log n) and hence the algorithms works in O(n log n).

Algorithm 2 O(n log n)

let's sort the pairs in descending order and put them in the queue, We pick first two elements from the queue and merge them into a tree and put them at the end of the queue, then we do the same with next two etc.(Sorting is required because merge needs one tree's elements to be less than the other tree.) Thus, we will merge first the size 1 trees, then size 2 trees and so on. After each round the queue size is reduced by half. So the total running time will be O(n logn).

Algorithm 3 O(n)

Say we are given n nodes in sorted order then we can build the treap in O(n) time instead of O(n log n) time. The idea is to split the array into two parts, from 0 tom mid - 1 and mid + 1 to n - 1 where n is the size of the array and mid = n/2. If we select the median element as our root then the left and right subtrees have roughly the same size.

We don't have to worry about priorities, if we want to have priorities then we can assign random priroity to all nodes and heapify the tree priorities(not the array values) to satisfy the heap property.

void heapify (pitem t) {
    if (!t) return;
    pitem max = t;
    if (t->l != NULL && t->l->prior > max->prior)
        max = t->l;
    if (t->r != NULL && t->r->prior > max->prior)
        max = t->r;
    if (max != t) {
        swap (t->prior, max->prior);
        heapify (max);

pitem build (int * a, int n) {
    // Construct a treap on values {a[0], a[1], ..., a[n - 1]}
    if (n == 0) return NULL;
    int mid = n / 2;
    pitem t = new item (a[mid], rand ());
    t->l = build (a, mid);
    t->r = build (a + mid + 1, n - mid - 1);
    heapify (t);
    return t;

Note: calling upd_cnt(t) is only necessary if you need the subtree sizes.

Cartesian Tree of an array

Given a sequence of numbers (or any totally ordered objects), there exists a binary min-heap whose inorder traversal is that sequence. This is known as the Cartesian tree for that sequence.

We’ll select the minimum value of the array to become the root of the tree, let’s say it is found at position i. The left child will be the minimum value in the interval [0, i-1] and the right child will be the minimum value in the interval [i+1, n-1]. We continue this process recursively.

How to construct cartesian tree?

int n,h[MAXN];
int st[MAXN],t;
int fa[MAXN],ls[MAXN],rs[MAXN],root;

int main()
    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
        while(t && h[st[t-1]] > h[i]) ls[i] = st[--t];
        if(t) rs[st[t-1]] = i;
        st[t++] = i; // push the current element onto stack
    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) fa[ls[i]] = fa[rs[i]] = i;
    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) if(!fa[i]) root = i;

Implicit Treap

Let's take a dynamic array data structure. In its standard implementation(example: std::vector<int>), we can add an element to the end of a vector, find out the value of an element at a certain position, change an element by number and delete the last element. Suppose we need a data structure with the above properties, as well as operations: add an element anywhere (with a corresponding change in the numbering of elements) and delete any element (also with a corresponding change in the numbering). Such a structure can be implemented on the basis of a Treap, the result is often called a Treap with implicit key.

Implicit treap is a simple modification of the regular treap which is a very powerful data structure. In fact, implicit treap can be considered as an array with the following procedures implemented (all in O(logN) in the online mode):

Implicit Treap provides the user with an array-like interface, but with Treap inside. The key idea to use build a treap with array indices as keys instead of element values.

Since we are using array index as key of BST, if we insert or delete an element indices of other elements will have to change for about O(n) nodes. This would be very slow.

To avoid this, we will not explicitly store the index i as the key but we will calculate on the fly. For this we need to store auxiliary quantity c - subtree size - number of vertices in the subtree of our vertex. Index value is number of elements in our structure that are to the left of our element. In other words, we will consider the ordinal number of our element in the tree, reduced by one, as a key.

How to calculate this? While going along the path from the root to a certain vertex, we sum up all such values in the left subtrees that we did not go to, increased by one. Hence the key for a node t = sz(t->l) + sz(p->l) for all parents of t such that t occurs in the right subtree of p.

Since we don't store the index explicitly and calculate it on the fly, this is named as Implicit Treap.

Split operation: Split and merge are based on index(subtree sizes), there is no explicit key which we use to split.

def update(Treap t):
  t.size = 1 + t.left.size + t.right.size
def split(Treap t, int k) ->  Treap, Treap:
  if t == None
    return None, None  
  int l = t.left.size
  if l >= k
    t1, t2 = split(t.left, k)
    t.left = t2
    update(t) # update count - subtree size
    return t1, t
    t1, t2 = split(t.right, k - l - 1)
    t.right = t1
    return t, t2

Merge two implicit treaps:

C++ implementation of split and merge

Note that the key of a node is the number of nodes less than it (such nodes can be present not only in its left subtree but also in left subtrees of its ancestors). More specifically, the implicit key for some node T is the number of vertices cnt(T→L) in the left subtree of this node plus similar values cnt(P→L)+1 for each ancestor P of the node T, if T is in the right subtree of P.

Now it's clear how to calculate the implicit key of current node quickly. Since in all operations we arrive to any node by descending in the tree, we can just accumulate this sum and pass it to the function. If we go to the left subtree, the accumulated sum does not change, if we go to the right subtree it increases by cnt(T→L)+1.

void merge (pitem & t, pitem l, pitem r) {
    if (!l || !r)
        t = l ? l : r;
    else if (l->prior > r->prior)
        merge (l->r, l->r, r),  t = l;
        merge (r->l, l, r->l),  t = r;
    upd_cnt (t);

void split (pitem t, pitem & l, pitem & r, int key, int add = 0) {
    if (!t)
        return void( l = r = 0 );
    int cur_key = add + cnt(t->l); // implicit key
    if (key <= cur_key)
        split (t->l, l, t->l, key, add),  r = t;
        split (t->r, t->r, r, key, add + 1 + cnt(t->l)),  l = t;
    upd_cnt (t);

Now let's consider the implementation of various operations on implicit treaps:

Here is an example implementation of the implicit treap with reverse on the interval. For each node we store field called value which is the actual value of the array element at current position. We also provide implementation of the function output(), which outputs an array that corresponds to the current state of the implicit treap.

mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

typedef struct item * pitem;
struct item {
    int prior, value, cnt;
    pitem l, r;
    // add extra variables here
    bool rev;
    item(int v){
        value = v;
        prior = rng();
        l = r = NULL;
        rev = false;

int cnt (pitem it) {
    return it ? it->cnt : 0;

void upd_cnt (pitem it) {
    if (it)
        it->cnt = cnt(it->l) + cnt(it->r) + 1;

void push (pitem it) {
    if (it && it->rev) {
        it->rev = false;
        swap(it->l, it->r);
        if(it->l)  it->l->rev ^= true;
        if(it->r)  it->r->rev ^= true;

void merge (pitem & t, pitem l, pitem r) {
    if (!l || !r)
        t = l ? l : r;
    else if (l->prior > r->prior)
        merge(l->r, l->r, r),  t = l;
        merge(r->l, l, r->l),  t = r;

// 1-based indexing, split into [1, pos] and [pos+1, n]
void split (pitem t, pitem & l, pitem & r, int key, int add = 0) {
    if (!t)
        return void( l = r = 0 );
    int implicit_key = add + cnt(t->l);
    if (key <= implicit_key)
        split(t->l, l, t->l, key, add),  r = t;
        split(t->r, t->r, r, key, add + 1 + cnt(t->l)),  l = t;

void reverse (pitem t, int l, int r) {
    pitem t1, t2, t3;
    split(t, t1, t2, l);
    split(t2, t2, t3, r-l+1);
    t2->rev ^= true;
    merge(t, t1, t2);
    merge(t, t, t3);

// inorder traveral
void output (pitem t) {
    if (!t)  return;
    printf("%d ", t->value);

Using the ideas of a Cartesian tree by implicit key, it is possible to implement a data structure such as Rope.

STL rope

#include <ext/rope>
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
rope<int> s;


Implementation of treap as interval tree
typedef struct node{
    int prior,size; 
    int val; // value stored in the array 
    int sum; // whatever info you want to maintain in segtree for each node 
    int lazy; // whatever lazy update you want to do 
    struct node *l,*r; 
typedef node* pnode;
int sz(pnode t){
    return t?t->size:0;
void upd_sz(pnode t){
void lazy(pnode t){
    if(!t || !t->lazy) return;
    t->val += t->lazy; // operation of lazy
    t->sum += t->lazy*sz(t);
    if(t->l) t->l->lazy += t->lazy; // propagate lazy
    if(t->r) t->r->lazy += t->lazy;
void reset(pnode t){
    if(t) t->sum = t->val; // lazy already propagated
void combine(pnode& t,pnode l,pnode r){ // combine segtree ranges
    if(!l || !r) return void(t = l?l:r);
    t->sum = l->sum + r->sum;
void operation(pnode t){ // operation of segtree
    if(!t )return;
    reset(t); // node represents single element of array
    lazy(t->l);lazy(t->r); // imp: propagate lazy before combining l,r
void split(pnode t,pnode &l,pnode &r,int pos,int add=0){
    if(!t) return void(l=r=NULL);
    int curr_pos = add + sz(t->l);
    if(curr_pos <= pos) // element at pos goes to "l"
        split(t->r,t->r,r,pos,curr_pos+1), l=t;
        split(t->l,l,t->l,pos,add), r=t;
void merge(pnode &t,pnode l,pnode r){ // result/left/right array
    if(!l || !r) t = l?l:r;
    else if(l->prior>r->prior) merge(l->r,l->r,r),t=l;
    else merge(r->l,l,r->l),t=r;
pnode init(int val){
    pnode ret = (pnode)malloc(sizeof(node));
    return ret;
int range_query(pnode t,int l,int r){ // [l,r]
    pnode L,mid,R;
    split(t,L,mid,l-1);split(mid,t,R,r-l); // note: r-l !!
    int ans = t->sum;
    return ans;
void range_update(pnode t,int l,int r,int val){//[l,r]
    pnode L,mid,R;
    split(t,L,mid,l-1);split(mid,t,R,r-l);//note: r-l!!
    t->lazy+=val; //lazy_update

source: Quora Tanuj Khattar

Xuzijian implementation for RMQ & RAQ
// for RMQ & RAQ 
constexpr  int INF = __INT_MAX__;

class ImplicitTreap {
    xorshift rnd;
    struct Node {
         int value, min, lazy;
         int priority, cnt;
         bool rev;
        Node * l, * r;
        Node ( int value, int priority): value (value), min (INF), lazy ( 0 ), priority (priority), cnt ( 1 ), rev ( false ), l ( nullptr ), r ( nullptr ) {}
    } * root = nullptr ;
     using Tree = Node *;

    int cnt (Tree t) {
         return t? t-> cnt: 0 ;

    int get_min (Tree t) {
         return t? t-> min: INF;

    void update_cnt (Tree t) {
         if (t) {
            t-> cnt = 1 + cnt (t-> l) + cnt (t-> r);

    void update_min (Tree t) {
         if (t) {
            t-> min = min (t-> value, min (get_min (t-> l), get_min (t-> r)));

    void pushup (Tree t) {
        update_cnt (t), update_min (t);

    void pushdown (Tree t) {
         if (t && t-> rev) {
            t-> rev = false ;
            swap (t-> l, t-> r);
            if (t-> l) t-> l-> rev ^ = 1 ;
             if (t-> r) t-> r-> rev ^ = 1 ;
        if (t && t-> lazy) {
             if (t-> l) {
                t-> l-> lazy + = t-> lazy;
                t-> l-> min + = t-> lazy;
            if (t-> r) {
                t-> r-> lazy + = t-> lazy;
                t-> r-> min + = t-> lazy;
            t-> value + = t-> lazy;
            t-> lazy = 0 ;
        pushup (t);
    void split (Tree t, int key, Tree & l, Tree & r) {
         if (! t) {
            l = r = nullptr ;
             return ;
        pushdown (t);
        int implicit_key = cnt (t-> l) + 1 ;
         if (key <implicit_key) {
            split (t-> l, key, l, t-> l), r = t;
        } else {
            split (t-> r, key --implicit_key, t-> r, r), l = t;
        pushup (t);
    void insert (Tree & t, int key, Tree item) {
        Tree t1, t2;
        split (t, key, t1, t2);
        merge (t1, t1, item);
        merge (t, t1, t2);

    void merge (Tree & t, Tree l, Tree r) {
        pushdown (l);
        pushdown (r);
        if (! l ||! r) {
            t = l? l: r;
        } else  if (l-> priority> r-> priority) {
            merge (l-> r, l-> r, r), t = l;
        } else {
            merge (r-> l, l, r-> l), t = r;
        pushup (t);
    void erase (Tree & t, int key) {
        Tree t1, t2, t3;
        split (t, key + 1 , t1, t2);
        split (t1, key, t1, t3);
        merge (t, t1, t2);

    void add (Tree t, int l, int r, int x) {
        Tree t1, t2, t3;
        split (t, l, t1, t2);
        split (t2, r --l, t2, t3);
        t2-> lazy + = x;
        t2-> min + = x;
        merge (t2, t2, t3);
        merge (t, t1, t2);

    int findmin (Tree t, int l, int r) {
        Tree t1, t2, t3;
        split (t, l, t1, t2);
        split (t2, r --l, t2, t3);
        int ret = t2-> min;
        merge (t2, t2, t3);
        merge (t, t1, t2);
        return ret;

    void reverse (Tree t, int l, int r) {
         if (l> r) return ;
        Tree t1, t2, t3;
        split (t, l, t1, t2);
        split (t2, r --l, t2, t3);
        t2-> rev ^ = 1 ;
        merge (t2, t2, t3);
        merge (t, t1, t2);

    // Shift left so that the beginning of [l, r) is m. Same specifications as std :: rotate 
    void rotate (Tree t, int l, int m, int r) {
        reverse (t, l, r);
        reverse (t, l, l + r --m);
        reverse (t, l + r --m, r);

    void dump (Tree t) {
         if (! t) return ;
        pushdown (t);
        dump (t-> l);
        cout << t-> value << "" ;
        dump (t-> r);
public :
     void insert ( int pos, int x) {
        insert (root, pos, new Node (x, rnd.random ()));

    void add ( int l, int r, int x) {
        add (root, l, r, x);

    int findmin ( int l, int r) {
         return findmin (root, l, r);

    void erase ( int pos) {
        erase (root, pos);

    void reverse ( int l, int r) {
        reverse (root, l, r);

    void rotate ( int l, int m, int r) {
        rotate (root, l, m, r);

    void dump () {
        dump (root);
        cout << endl;

Monoid code is also present in the above blog.

TODO: Evolved Implicit Treap: Priority sum and pair query.

Having two trees of elements of different parity on the same initial array, we can solve the problem of changing places of even and odd on a segment.


  1. How can we augment the BBST to effectively function as a min, max, and sum segment tree? In what cases can we do it the other way around?
  2. SPOJ KPMATRIX: Given a NxM matrix of integers (1 ≤ N, M ≤ 250), and two integers A and B (−10⁹ ≤ A, B ≤ 10⁹), find the number of submatrices with sum between A and B.
  3. SPOJ GSS6: Given an integer array of length N, apply Q operations which can be any of inserting an element, deleting an element, and finding the maximal contiguous non-empty sum in a given interval (1 ≤ N, Q ≤ 10⁵). All values in the array, as well as insertions, are between −10⁴ and 10⁴.

CF Edu Round 15 F T-Shirts

There are t-shirts of n ≤ 2·10⁵ different types each has a cost cᵢ and quality qᵢ. There are k customers each has amount bᵢ, each customer wants to buy maximum possible number of highest quality t-shirts. If two shirts are having same quality they choose the cheaper one. Customer don't buy more than one same type of t-shirt. Determine the number of t-shirts each customer will buy. All customers act independently, the purchase of one does not affect the purchase of another.


Treap with lazy tags
mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

typedef struct item * pitem;

struct item {
    int prior, value;
    int idx;
    int shirts; // number of shirts bought
    int lazy_shirt, lazy_cost;
    pitem l, r;

    item(int amount, int index, int s=0){
        value = amount;
        idx = index;
        shirts = s;
        prior = rng();
        l = r = NULL;
        lazy_cost = lazy_shirt = 0;

void push(pitem t){
    if(!t) return;
    t->shirts += t->lazy_shirt;
    t->value += t->lazy_cost;
        t->l->lazy_shirt += t->lazy_shirt;
        t->l->lazy_cost += t->lazy_cost;
        t->r->lazy_shirt += t->lazy_shirt;
        t->r->lazy_cost += t->lazy_cost;
    t->lazy_shirt = t->lazy_cost = 0;

// Splits into < k and >= k
void split(pitem t, pitem & l, pitem & r, int key) {
    if (!t)
        return void( l = r = nullptr );
    if (key <= t->value)
        split(t->l, l, t->l, key), r = t;
        split(t->r, t->r, r, key), l = t;

void merge(pitem &t, pitem l, pitem r){
    push(l); push(r);
    if(!l || !r)
        t = l ? l : r;
    else if(l->prior > r->prior)
        merge(l->r, l->r, r), t = l;
        merge(r->l, l, r->l), t = r;

void insert(pitem &t, pitem it){
    pitem l, r;
    split(t, l, r, it->value);
    merge(t, l, it);
    merge(t, t, r);

vector<int> count_shirts;

void visit(pitem &t){
    if(t == nullptr) return;
    count_shirts[t->idx] = t->shirts;

void tour(pitem &t, vector<array<int,3>>& V){
    if(!t) return;
    tour(t->l, V);
    V.push_back({t->value, t->idx, t->shirts});
    tour(t->r, V);

int main() {
    int n;
    scanf("%d", &n);
    vector<pair<int,int>> shirts;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        int cost, quality;
        scanf("%d%d", &cost, &quality);
        shirts.push_back({-quality, cost});
    // sort by decreasing order of quality and increasing order of price
    sort(shirts.begin(), shirts.end());
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++) shirts[i].first = -shirts[i].first;

    int k;
    vector<pair<int,int>> customers;
    scanf("%d", &k);
    for(int i=0;i<k;i++){
        int amount;
        scanf("%d", &amount);
        customers.push_back({amount, i});
    sort(customers.begin(), customers.end());

    pitem treap = nullptr;
    for(int i=0;i<k;i++){
        pitem cust = new item(customers[i].first, customers[i].second);
        merge(treap, treap, cust);

    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        int cost = shirts[i].second;
        pitem t1, t2;
        split(treap, t1, t2, cost);
        if(t2 != NULL){
            t2->lazy_cost -= cost;
        // to merge these values have to be < the other treap
        pitem t3;
        split(t2, t2, t3, cost);
        /* while(t2 != NULL){ */
        /*     push(t2); */
        /*     pitem cur = new item(t2->value, t2->idx, t2->shirts); */
        /*     insert(t1, cur); */
        /*     merge(t2, t2->l, t2->r); */
        /* } */
        vector<array<int, 3>> res;
        tour(t2, res);
        for(auto it:res){
            pitem cur = new item(it[0], it[1], it[2]);
            insert(t1, cur);
        merge(treap, t1, t3);

    count_shirts = vector<int>(k);
    for(int s: count_shirts) printf("%d ", s);
    return 0;

We can also use the following insert operation but the only thing to note is to use same <= with split and insert. If we change the last line to insert(it->value < t->value ? t->l : t->r, it); then CF gives TLE.

void insert(pitem &t, pitem it){
    if(!t) t = it;
    else if(it->prior > t->prior) split(t, it->l, it->r, it->value), t=it;
    else insert(it->value <= t->value ? t->l : t->r, it);


SPOJ Ordered Set

In this problem, you have to maintain a dynamic set of numbers which support the two fundamental operations

and the two type of queries


Treap with k-th element and count of elements less than x
mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
typedef struct item * pitem;
struct item {
    int prior, key, cnt;
    pitem l, r;
    item(int v){
        prior = rng();
        key = v;
        cnt = 1;
        l = r = NULL;
int cnt (pitem it) {
    return it ? it->cnt : 0;
void upd_cnt (pitem it) {
    if (it)
        it->cnt = cnt(it->l) + cnt(it->r) + 1;
// split into <key and >=key
void split(pitem t, pitem &l, pitem &r, int key){
    if(t == NULL){
        l = r = NULL;
    if(t->key < key) // key in right child
        split(t->r, t->r, r, key), l = t;
        split(t->l, l, t->l, key), r = t;
void merge(pitem &t, pitem l, pitem r){
    if(l == NULL || r == NULL){
        t = l ? l : r;
    if(l->prior > r->prior) // left child becomes root
        merge(l->r, l->r, r), t = l;
        merge(r->l, l, r->l), t = r;
void insert(pitem &t, pitem it){
    if(t == NULL){
        t = it;
    if(t->prior < it->prior)
        split(t, it->l, it->r, it->key), t = it;
        insert(t->key < it->key ? t->r : t->l, it);
void erase(pitem &t, int key){
    if(t == NULL) return;
    if(t->key == key){
        pitem th = t;
        merge(t, t->l, t->r);
        delete th;
    erase(key < t->key ? t->l : t->r, key);
// zero indexed
int kth_element(pitem t, int k){
    while(t != NULL){
        if(cnt(t->l) == k)
            return t->key;
        if(cnt(t->l) > k) t = t->l;
            k -= cnt(t->l) + 1;
    return -1;
int count_less(pitem t, int key){
    pitem l, r;
    split(t, l, r, key);
    int res = cnt(l);
    merge(t, l, r);
    return res;
int main() {
    int q;
    scanf("%d", &q);
    pitem treap = NULL;
        char ch;
        int x;
        scanf(" %c %d", &ch, &x);
        if(ch == 'I'){
            erase(treap, x);
            pitem it = new item(x);
            insert(treap, it);
        else if(ch == 'D') erase(treap, x);
        else if(ch == 'K'){
            if(cnt(treap) < x){
            printf("%d\n", kth_element(treap, x-1));
        else printf("%d\n", count_less(treap, x));
    return 0;

Shandom Ruffle

Given an array of size n, we are asked to do shandom_ruffle as follows n times using (aᵢ, bᵢ) during the i-th shandom_ruffle.

shandom_ruffle(int a, int b, int[] array) {
  int bStart=b;
  while (a<bStart && b<=array.length) {
    swap(array[a], array[b]); //swap the values at indecies a and b

Using Implicit treap

Split the array at [a, a_end] , [b, b_end] and swap these while merging.

mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

typedef struct item * pitem;
struct item {
    int prior, idx, cnt;
    pitem l, r;
    // add extra variables here
    item(int index){
        idx = index;
        prior = rng();
        l = r = NULL;

int cnt (pitem it) {
    return it ? it->cnt : 0;

void upd_cnt (pitem it) {
    if (it)
        it->cnt = cnt(it->l) + cnt(it->r) + 1;

void merge (pitem & t, pitem l, pitem r) {
    if (!l || !r)
        t = l ? l : r;
    else if (l->prior > r->prior)
        merge(l->r, l->r, r),  t = l;
        merge(r->l, l, r->l),  t = r;

void split (pitem t, pitem & l, pitem & r, int key, int add = 0) {
    if (!t)
        return void( l = r = 0 );
    int implicit_key = add + cnt(t->l);
    if (key <= implicit_key)
        split(t->l, l, t->l, key, add),  r = t;
        split(t->r, t->r, r, key, add + 1 + cnt(t->l)),  l = t;

void output(pitem t){
    if(t==NULL) return;
    printf("%d ", t->idx);

int main() {
    int n;
    scanf("%d", &n);
    pitem treap = NULL;
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
        pitem new_item = new item(i);
        merge(treap, treap, new_item);
    for(int q=0;q<n;q++){
        int a, b;
        scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
        int aend = b-1, bend = n;
        int len = min(aend - a, bend - b);
        aend = a + len, bend = b + len;
        pitem t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
        // split at a-1, aend, b-1, bend
        // split into t1, t2, t3, t4, t5
        // swap t2 and t4
        // merge into t1, t4, t3, t2, t5
        split(treap, treap, t5, bend);
        split(treap, treap, t4, b-1);
        split(treap, treap, t3, aend);
        split(treap, t1, t2, a-1);
        merge(treap, t1, t4);
        merge(treap, treap, t3);
        merge(treap, treap, t2);
        merge(treap, treap, t5);
    return 0;

Sneetches and Speeches 1

Given a binary string, for each query we are given [l, r] and we are asked to flip the bits s[i] ^= 1 for l ≤ i ≤ r, and we need to answer the maximum length of continous sequence of bits with same parity.

Using Implicit treap with lazy tags

Make sure to push/propogate the lazy tags before we use the actual node values, otherwise we might be reading outdated values present in the node.

mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

typedef struct item * pitem;

struct item {
    int prior, value, cnt;
    pitem l, r;
    // add extra variables here
    int idx;
    bool rev, flip;
    int count[2], max_count[2];
    int prefix[2], suffix[2];
    item(int v, int i){
        idx = i;
        value = v;
        prior = rng();
        l = r = NULL;
        rev = false;
        flip = false;
        count[0] = count[1] = 0;
        max_count[0] = max_count[1] = 0;
        prefix[0] = prefix[1] = 0;
        suffix[0] = suffix[1] = 0;
        count[v] = max_count[v] = prefix[v] = suffix[v] = 1;

int cnt(pitem it) {
    return it ? it->cnt : 0;

void upd_cnt(pitem it) {
    if (it)
        it->cnt = cnt(it->l) + cnt(it->r) + 1;

int count(pitem it, int i){
    return it == NULL ? 0 : it->count[i];

int prefix(pitem it, int i){
    return it == NULL ? 0 : it->prefix[i];

int suffix(pitem it, int i){
    return it == NULL ? 0 : it->suffix[i];

int max_count(pitem it, int i){
    return it == NULL ? 0 : it->max_count[i];

int max_count(pitem it){
    return max(max_count(it, 0), max_count(it, 1));

void push(pitem &it) {
    if (it && it->rev) {
        it->rev = false;
        swap(it->l, it->r);
        if(it->l)  it->l->rev ^= true;
        if(it->r)  it->r->rev ^= true;
    if(it && it->flip){
        it->flip = false;
        swap(it->count[0], it->count[1]);
        swap(it->suffix[0], it->suffix[1]);
        swap(it->prefix[0], it->prefix[1]);
        swap(it->max_count[0], it->max_count[1]);
        it->value ^= 1;
        if(it->l) it->l->flip ^= true;
        if(it->r) it->r->flip ^= true;

void pull(pitem it){
    if(it == NULL) return;
    for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
        // Update count
        it->count[i] = count(it->l, i) + count(it->r, i) + (it->value == i);
        // prefix
        it->prefix[i] = prefix(it->l, i);
        if(count(it->l, i) == cnt(it->l) && it->value == i)
            it->prefix[i] = max(it->prefix[i], cnt(it->l) + 1 + prefix(it->r, i));
        // suffix
        it->suffix[i] = suffix(it->r, i);
        if(count(it->r, i) == cnt(it->r) && it->value == i)
            it->suffix[i] = max(it->suffix[i], suffix(it->l, i) + 1 + cnt(it->r));
        // max_count
        it->max_count[i] = max(max_count(it->l, i), max_count(it->r, i));
        if(it->value == i)
            it->max_count[i] = max(it->max_count[i], suffix(it->l, i) + 1 + prefix(it->r, i));

void printBT(const std::string& prefix, pitem t, bool isLeft)
    if( t != nullptr )
        /* push(t); */
        cout << prefix;
        cout << (isLeft ? "├──" : "└──" );

        // print the value of the node
        printf("%d: [v:%d z:%d o:%d f:%d mc:%d p0:%d s0:%d p1:%d s1:%d]\n",
            t->idx, t->value, t->count[0], t->count[1], t->flip, max_count(t), t->prefix[0], t->suffix[0], t->prefix[1], t->suffix[1]);

        // enter the next tree level - left and right branch
        printBT(prefix + (isLeft ? "│   " : "    "), t->l, true);
        printBT(prefix + (isLeft ? "│   " : "    "), t->r, false);

void merge (pitem & t, pitem l, pitem r) {
    if (!l || !r)
        t = l ? l : r;
    else if (l->prior > r->prior)
        merge(l->r, l->r, r),  t = l;
        merge(r->l, l, r->l),  t = r;

// 1-based indexing, split into [1, pos] and [pos+1, n]
void split (pitem t, pitem & l, pitem & r, int key, int add = 0) {
    if (!t)
        return void( l = r = 0 );
    int implicit_key = add + cnt(t->l);
    if (key <= implicit_key)
        split(t->l, l, t->l, key, add),  r = t;
        split(t->r, t->r, r, key, add + 1 + cnt(t->l)),  l = t;

void op(pitem &t, int l, int r){
    pitem t1, t2, t3;
    split(t, t, t3, r);
    split(t, t1, t2, l-1);
    t2->flip ^= true;
    /* printBT("", t1, false); */
    /* printBT("", t2, false); */
    /* printBT("", t3, false); */
    merge(t, t1, t2);
    merge(t, t, t3);

int main() {
    int n, q;
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &q);
    string s;
    cin >> s;
    pitem treap = NULL;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        pitem cur = new item(s[i] == '1', i+1);
        merge(treap, treap, cur);
        int t, l, r;
        scanf("%d %d %d", &t, &l, &r);
        op(treap, l, r);
        printf("%d\n", max_count(treap));
        /* printBT("", treap, false); */
    return 0;

Sneetches and Speeches 3

Similar to above problem, we are given two additional type of queries, one is to sort the range [l, r] and the other is to reverse the range [l, r]. We need to answer the maximum length of continous segment of same parity for all three type of queries.

Implicit Treap with 3 different lazy tags

Important thing in this problem is to clear the already exisiting lazy tags while setting all values to zero or all values to one.

    // clear all the pending operations
    it->l->all_zero = true;
    // all the following ops doesn't apply anymore
    it->l->all_one = it->l->flip = it->l->rev = false;
mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

typedef struct item * pitem;

struct item {
    int prior, value, cnt;
    pitem l, r;
    // add extra variables here
    int idx;
    bool rev, flip, all_zero, all_one;
    int count[2], max_count[2];
    int prefix[2], suffix[2];
    item(int v, int i){
        idx = i;
        value = v;
        prior = rng();
        l = r = NULL;
        rev = false;
        flip = false;
        all_one = false;
        all_zero = false;
        count[0] = count[1] = 0;
        max_count[0] = max_count[1] = 0;
        prefix[0] = prefix[1] = 0;
        suffix[0] = suffix[1] = 0;
        count[v] = max_count[v] = prefix[v] = suffix[v] = 1;

int cnt(pitem it) {
    return it ? it->cnt : 0;

void upd_cnt(pitem it) {
    if (it)
        it->cnt = cnt(it->l) + cnt(it->r) + 1;

int count(pitem it, int i){
    return it == NULL ? 0 : it->count[i];

int prefix(pitem it, int i){
    return it == NULL ? 0 : it->prefix[i];

int suffix(pitem it, int i){
    return it == NULL ? 0 : it->suffix[i];

int max_count(pitem it, int i){
    return it == NULL ? 0 : it->max_count[i];

int max_count(pitem it){
    return max(max_count(it, 0), max_count(it, 1));

// lazy propogation
void push(pitem &it) {
    if(it && it->all_zero){
        it->all_zero = false;
        it->value = 0;
        it->max_count[0] = it->prefix[0] = it->suffix[0] = it->count[0] = cnt(it);
        it->max_count[1] = it->prefix[1] = it->suffix[1] = it->count[1] = 0;
            // clear all the pending operations
            it->l->all_zero = true;
            // all the following ops doesn't apply anymore
            it->l->all_one = it->l->flip = it->l->rev = false;
            it->r->all_zero = true;
            it->r->all_one = it->r->flip = it->r->rev = false;
    if(it && it->all_one){
        it->all_one = false;
        it->value = 1;
        it->max_count[1] = it->prefix[1] = it->suffix[1] = it->count[1] = cnt(it);
        it->max_count[0] = it->prefix[0] = it->suffix[0] = it->count[0] = 0;
            it->l->all_one = true;
            it->l->all_zero = it->l->flip = it->l->rev = false;
            it->r->all_one = true;
            it->r->all_zero = it->r->flip = it->r->rev = false;
    if (it && it->rev) {
        it->rev = false;
        swap(it->l, it->r);
        swap(it->prefix[0], it->suffix[0]);
        swap(it->prefix[1], it->suffix[1]);
        if(it->l)  it->l->rev ^= true;
        if(it->r)  it->r->rev ^= true;
    if(it && it->flip){
        it->flip = false;
        swap(it->count[0], it->count[1]);
        swap(it->suffix[0], it->suffix[1]);
        swap(it->prefix[0], it->prefix[1]);
        swap(it->max_count[0], it->max_count[1]);
        it->value ^= 1;
        if(it->l) it->l->flip ^= true;
        if(it->r) it->r->flip ^= true;

void pull(pitem it){
    if(it == NULL) return;
    for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
        // Update count
        it->count[i] = count(it->l, i) + count(it->r, i) + (it->value == i);
        // prefix
        it->prefix[i] = prefix(it->l, i);
        if(count(it->l, i) == cnt(it->l) && it->value == i)
            it->prefix[i] = max(it->prefix[i], cnt(it->l) + 1 + prefix(it->r, i));
        // suffix
        it->suffix[i] = suffix(it->r, i);
        if(count(it->r, i) == cnt(it->r) && it->value == i)
            it->suffix[i] = max(it->suffix[i], suffix(it->l, i) + 1 + cnt(it->r));
        // max_count
        it->max_count[i] = max(max_count(it->l, i), max_count(it->r, i));
        if(it->value == i)
            it->max_count[i] = max(it->max_count[i], suffix(it->l, i) + 1 + prefix(it->r, i));

void printBT(const std::string& prefix, pitem t, bool isLeft)
    if( t != nullptr )
        /* push(t); */
        cout << prefix;
        cout << (isLeft ? "├──" : "└──" );

        // print the value of the node
        printf("%d: [v:%d z:%d o:%d f:%d mc:%d p0:%d s0:%d p1:%d s1:%d]\n",
            t->idx, t->value, t->count[0], t->count[1], t->flip, max_count(t), t->prefix[0], t->suffix[0], t->prefix[1], t->suffix[1]);

        // enter the next tree level - left and right branch
        printBT(prefix + (isLeft ? "│   " : "    "), t->l, true);
        printBT(prefix + (isLeft ? "│   " : "    "), t->r, false);

void merge (pitem & t, pitem l, pitem r) {
    if (!l || !r)
        t = l ? l : r;
    else if (l->prior > r->prior)
        merge(l->r, l->r, r),  t = l;
        merge(r->l, l, r->l),  t = r;

// 1-based indexing, split into [1, pos] and [pos+1, n]
void split (pitem t, pitem & l, pitem & r, int key, int add = 0) {
    if (!t)
        return void( l = r = 0 );
    int implicit_key = add + cnt(t->l);
    if (key <= implicit_key)
        split(t->l, l, t->l, key, add),  r = t;
        split(t->r, t->r, r, key, add + 1 + cnt(t->l)),  l = t;

void op(pitem &t, int l, int r, int type){
    pitem t1, t2, t3;
    split(t, t, t3, r);
    split(t, t1, t2, l-1);
    if(type == 1) t2->flip ^= true;
    else if(type == 2) t2->rev ^= true;
        int zeros = count(t2, 0);
        pitem t4, t5;
        split(t2, t4, t5, zeros);
            t4->all_zero = true;
            t5->all_one = true;
        merge(t2, t4, t5);
    /* printBT("", t1, false); */
    /* printBT("", t2, false); */
    /* printBT("", t3, false); */
    merge(t, t1, t2);
    merge(t, t, t3);

void output(pitem t){
    if(t==NULL) return;
    /* printf("%d", t->value); */

int main() {
    int n, q;
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &q);
    string s;
    cin >> s;
    pitem treap = NULL;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        pitem cur = new item(s[i] == '1', i+1);
        merge(treap, treap, cur);
        int t, l, r;
        scanf("%d %d %d", &t, &l, &r);
        op(treap, l, r, t);
        printf("%d\n", max_count(treap));
        /* printBT("", treap, false); */
        /* output(treap); */
        /* printf("\n"); */
    return 0;

Trick or Treap

The first line will contain a single integer q. 1 ≤ q ≤ 5*10⁵ q lines follow. They will look like one of the following:

Implicit treap with parent pointers

Parent pointers are used to check whether two nodes are present in the same treap.

source: Tourist

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

class node {
    int id, value;
    long long sum;
    node * l;
    node * r;
    node * p;
    bool rev;
    int sz;
    // declare extra variables:
    int P; // priority

    node(int _id, int val) {
        id = _id;
        value = val;
        sum = val;
        l = r = p = NULL;
        rev = false;
        sz = 1;
        // init extra variables:
        P = rng();

    void unsafe_reverse() {
        rev ^= 1;
        swap(l, r);

    // apply changes:
    void unsafe_apply() {


    void push() {
        if (rev) {
            if (l != NULL) {
                l -> unsafe_reverse();
            if (r != NULL) {
                r -> unsafe_reverse();
            rev = 0;
        // now push everything else:


    void pull() {
        sz = 1;
        sum = value;
        // now init from self:

        if (l != NULL) {
            l -> p = this;
            sz += l -> sz;
            // now pull from l:
            sum += l -> sum;

        if (r != NULL) {
            r -> p = this;
            sz += r -> sz;
            // now pull from r:
            sum += r -> sum;


void debug_node(node * v, string pref = "") {
    #ifdef LOCAL
    if (v != NULL) {
        debug_node(v -> r, pref + " ");
        cerr << pref << "-" << " " << v -> id << '\n';
        debug_node(v -> l, pref + " ");
    } else {
        cerr << pref << "-" << " " << "NULL" << '\n';

namespace treap {
    pair < node * , int > find(node * v, const function < int(node * ) > & go_to) {
        // go_to returns: 0 -- found; -1 -- go left; 1 -- go right
        // find returns the last vertex on the descent and its go_to
        if (v == NULL) {
            return {
        int dir;
        while (true) {
            v -> push();
            dir = go_to(v);
            if (dir == 0) {
            node * u = (dir == -1 ? v -> l : v -> r);
            if (u == NULL) {
            v = u;
        return {v, dir};

    node* get_leftmost(node* v) {
         return find(v, [&](node*) { return -1; }).first;

    node* get_rightmost(node* v) {
        return find(v, [&](node*) { return 1; }).first;

    node * get_kth(node * v, int k) { // 0-indexed
        pair < node * , int > p = find(v, [ & ](node * u) {
            if (u -> l != NULL) {
                if (u -> l -> sz > k) {
                    return -1;
                k -= u -> l -> sz;
            if (k == 0) {
                return 0;
            return 1;
        return (p.second == 0 ? p.first : NULL);

    int get_position(node * v) { // 0-indexed
        int k = (v -> l != NULL ? v -> l -> sz : 0);
        while (v -> p != NULL) {
            if (v == v -> p -> r) {
                if (v -> p -> l != NULL) {
                    k += v -> p -> l -> sz;
            v = v -> p;
        return k;

    node * get_bst_root(node * v) {
        while (v -> p != NULL) {
            v = v -> p;
        return v;

    pair<node*, node*> split(node* v, const function<bool(node*)>& is_right) {
        if (v == NULL) {
            return {
        v -> push();
        if (is_right(v)) {
            pair < node * , node * > p = split(v -> l, is_right);
            if (p.first != NULL) {
                p.first -> p = NULL;
            v -> l = p.second;
            v -> pull();
            return {
        } else {
            pair < node * , node * > p = split(v -> r, is_right);
            v -> r = p.first;
            if (p.second != NULL) {
                p.second -> p = NULL;
            v -> pull();
            return {

    pair < node * , node * > split_leftmost_k(node * v, int k) {
        return split(v, [ & ](node * u) {
            int left_and_me = (u -> l != NULL ? u -> l -> sz : 0) + 1;
            if (k >= left_and_me) {
                k -= left_and_me;
                return false;
            return true;

    node * merge(node * v, node * u) {
        if (v == NULL) {
            return u;
        if (u == NULL) {
            return v;
        if (v -> P > u -> P) {
            //    if (rng() % (v->sz + u->sz) < (unsigned int) v->sz) {
            v -> push();
            v -> r = merge(v -> r, u);
            v -> pull();
            return v;
        } else {
            u -> push();
            u -> l = merge(v, u -> l);
            u -> pull();
            return u;

    int count_left(node* v, const function<bool(node*)>& is_right) {
        if (v == NULL) {
            return 0;
        v -> push();
        if (is_right(v)) {
            return count_left(v -> l, is_right);
        return (v -> l != NULL ? v -> l -> sz : 0) + 1 + count_left(v -> r, is_right);

    node* add(node* r, node* v, const function<bool(node*)>& go_left) {
        pair < node * , node * > p = split(r, go_left);
        return merge(p.first, merge(v, p.second));

    node * remove(node * v) { // returns the new root
        v -> push();
        node * x = v -> l;
        node * y = v -> r;
        node * p = v -> p;
        v -> l = v -> r = v -> p = NULL;
        v -> push();
        v -> pull(); // now v might be reusable...
        node * z = merge(x, y);
        if (p == NULL) {
            if (z != NULL) {
                z -> p = NULL;
            return z;
        if (p -> l == v) {
            p -> l = z;
        if (p -> r == v) {
            p -> r = z;
        while (true) {
            p -> push();
            p -> pull();
            if (p -> p == NULL) {
            p = p -> p;
        return p;

    node * next(node * v) {
        if (v -> r == NULL) {
            while (v -> p != NULL && v -> p -> r == v) {
                v = v -> p;
            return v -> p;
        v -> push();
        v = v -> r;
        while (v -> l != NULL) {
            v -> push();
            v = v -> l;
        return v;

    node * prev(node * v) {
        if (v -> l == NULL) {
            while (v -> p != NULL && v -> p -> l == v) {
                v = v -> p;
            return v -> p;
        v -> push();
        v = v -> l;
        while (v -> r != NULL) {
            v -> push();
            v = v -> r;
        return v;

    int get_size(node* v) { return (v != NULL ? v->sz : 0); }

    template < typename...T >
        void apply(node * v, T...args) {
            v -> unsafe_apply(args...);

    void reverse(node* v) { v->unsafe_reverse(); }

using namespace treap;

node * get_root(node * v){
    while (v -> p != NULL){
        v = v->p;
    return v;

const int nax = 5e5 + 10;

node* nodes[nax];

int main() {
    int Q;
    scanf("%d", &Q);
    for(int q=1;q<=Q;q++){
        int type, y, z;
        scanf("%d %d", &type, &y);
        if(type == 1){
            nodes[q] = new node(q, y);
        }else if(type == 2){
            scanf("%d", &z);
            node * root_y = get_root(nodes[y]);
            node * root_z = get_root(nodes[z]);
            if(root_y->id != root_z->id){
                merge(root_y, root_z);
        }else if(type == 3){
            scanf("%d", &z);
            node * root_y = get_root(nodes[y]);
            if(root_y->sz > z){
                split_leftmost_k(root_y, z);
            node * root_y = get_root(nodes[y]);
            printf("%lld\n", root_y->sum);
    return 0;

Grim Treaper

Need to support three different types of operations

  1. Range min h on [l, r]
  2. Move segment [l, r] to the end
  3. Range add x on [l, r]

Treap with Segment Tree beats

Solution inspired from Yosupu segment tree beats

mt19937 rng((unsigned int) chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
typedef struct item * pitem;
struct item {
    int prior, idx, cnt;
    pitem l, r;
    // add extra variables here
    long long max1, max2, min1, value, sum;
    int max_count, min_count;
    long long lazy_add, lazy_update;
    item(int _i, long long _v){
        prior = rng();
        l = r = NULL;
        cnt = 1;
        idx = _i;
        sum = max1 = min1 = value = _v;
        max2 = LLONG_MIN;
        min_count = max_count = 1;
        lazy_add = 0;
        lazy_update = LLONG_MAX;

long long cnt (pitem it) {
    return it ? it->cnt : 0;
long long max1 (pitem it) {
    return it ? it->max1 : LLONG_MIN;

long long max2 (pitem it) {
    return it ? it->max2 : LLONG_MIN;

long long min1 (pitem it) {
    return it ? it->min1 : LLONG_MAX;
long long max_count(pitem it){
    return it ? it->max_count : 0;

long long min_count(pitem it){
    return it ? it->min_count : 0;
long long sum(pitem it) {
    return it ? it->sum : 0;

void upd_cnt (pitem it) {
    if(it) it->cnt = cnt(it->l) + cnt(it->r) + 1;

void tag(pitem &it, long long v, string type){
    if(it == NULL) return;
    if(type == "add"){
        it->value += v;
        it->max1 += v;
        it->min1 += v;
        if(max2(it) != LLONG_MIN) it->max2 += v;
        it->sum += v*cnt(it);
        it->lazy_add += v;
        if(it->lazy_update != LLONG_MAX)
            it->lazy_update += v;
    } else if(type == "min"){
        if(max1(it) == min1(it) || v <= min1(it)){
            tag(it, v, "update");
        it->sum -= (it->max1 - v)*max_count(it);
        it->value = min(it->value, v);
        it->max1 = v;
        if(it->lazy_update != LLONG_MAX)
            it->lazy_update = min(v, it->lazy_update);
    } else if(type == "update"){
        it->value = it->min1 = it->max1 = v;
        it->max2 = LLONG_MIN;
        it->max_count = cnt(it);
        it->lazy_add = 0;
        // max1 and min1 takes care of updating the values
        it->lazy_update = LLONG_MAX;
        it->sum = v*cnt(it);
    } else if(type == "max"){
        if(it->max1 == it->min1 || it->max1 <= v){
            tag(it, v, "update");
        it->sum += (v - it->min1)*min_count(it);
        it->min1 = v;
        if(it->lazy_update != LLONG_MAX)
            it->lazy_update = max(it->lazy_update, v);

void push(pitem &it){
    if(it == NULL) return;

    // update
    if(it->lazy_update != LLONG_MAX){
        tag(it->l, it->lazy_update, "update");
        tag(it->r, it->lazy_update, "update");
        it->lazy_update = LLONG_MAX;

    // add
    if(it->lazy_add != 0) {
        tag(it->l, it->lazy_add, "add");
        tag(it->r, it->lazy_add, "add");
        it->lazy_add = 0;

    // chmin
    if(it->max1 < max1(it->l)) tag(it->l, it->max1, "min");
    if(it->max1 < max1(it->r)) tag(it->r, it->max1, "min");

    if(it->min1 > min1(it->l)) tag(it->l, it->min1, "max");
    if(it->min1 > min1(it->r)) tag(it->r, it->min1, "max");

void printBT(const std::string& prefix, pitem t, bool isLeft=false)
    if( t != nullptr )
        cout << prefix;
        cout << (isLeft ? "├──" : "└──" );
        printf("(%d): [v:%lld, m1:%lld, mi1:%lld, mc:%d, la:%lld, s:%lld]\n",
            t->idx, t->value, max1(t), min1(t), max_count(t), t->lazy_add, t->sum);
        // enter the next tree level - left and right branch
        printBT(prefix + (isLeft ? "│   " : "    "), t->l, true);
        printBT(prefix + (isLeft ? "│   " : "    "), t->r, false);

void recalc(pitem &it){
    if(it == NULL) return;

    //  merge left and right childs into temp
    long long tmax1, tmax2, tmax_count;
    if(max1(it->l) > max1(it->r)){
        tmax1 = max1(it->l);
        tmax2 = max(max2(it->l), max1(it->r));
        tmax_count = max_count(it->l);
    } else if(max1(it->l) < max1(it->r)){
        tmax1 = max1(it->r);
        tmax2 = max(max1(it->l), max2(it->r));
        tmax_count = max_count(it->r);
    } else {
        tmax1 = max1(it->l);
        tmax2 = max(max2(it->l), max2(it->r));
        tmax_count = max_count(it->l) + max_count(it->r);

    // Update max1, max2, max_count, sum
    if(tmax1 == it->value){
        it->max1 = it->value;
        it->max2 = tmax2;
        it->max_count = tmax_count + 1;
    }else if(tmax1 > it->value){
        it->max1 = tmax1;
        it->max2 = max(it->value, tmax2);
        it->max_count = tmax_count;
    }else if(tmax1 < it->value){
        it->max1 = it->value;
        it->max2 = tmax1;
        it->max_count = 1;

    it->min1 = min({min1(it->l), min1(it->r), it->value});
    it->min_count = 0;
    if(min1(it) == it->value) it->min_count++;
    if(min1(it) == min1(it->l)) it->min_count += min_count(it->l);
    if(min1(it) == min1(it->r)) it->min_count += min_count(it->r);

    it->sum = sum(it->l) + sum(it->r) + it->value;

void min_with(pitem &t, long long v){
    if(t == NULL || t->max1 <= v) return;
    if(t->max2 < v && v < t->max1){
        tag(t, v, "min");
        t->value = min(t->value, v);
        min_with(t->l, v);
        min_with(t->r, v);

void range_add(pitem &t, long long v){
    if(t == NULL) return;
    tag(t, v, "add");

void range_update(pitem &t, long long v){
    if(t == NULL) return;
    tag(t, v, "update");

void merge (pitem & t, pitem l, pitem r) {
    if (!l || !r)
        t = l ? l : r;
    else if (l->prior > r->prior)
        merge(l->r, l->r, r),  t = l;
        merge(r->l, l, r->l),  t = r;

// 1-based indexing, split into [1..key] and [key+1..n]
void split (pitem t, pitem & l, pitem & r, int key, int add = 0) {
    if (!t)
        return void( l = r = 0 );
    int implicit_key = add + cnt(t->l);
    if (key <= implicit_key)
        split(t->l, l, t->l, key, add),  r = t;
        split(t->r, t->r, r, key, add + 1 + cnt(t->l)),  l = t;

int main() {
    int n, q;
    scanf("%d%d", &n, &q);
    pitem treap = NULL;
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
        int a; scanf("%d", &a);
        pitem cur = new item(i, a);
        merge(treap, treap, cur);
        int type, l, r;
        scanf("%d%d%d", &type, &l, &r);
        pitem t1 = NULL, t2 = NULL, t3 = NULL;
        split(treap, treap, t3, r);
        split(treap, t1, t2, l-1);
        if(type == 1){
            // min(a[i], h) for i in [l, r]
            int h; scanf("%d", &h);
            min_with(t2, h);
            merge(treap, t1, t2);
            merge(treap, treap, t3);
        }else if(type == 2){
            // t1, t2, t3 --> t1, t3, t2
            merge(treap, t1, t3);
            merge(treap, treap, t2);
            // a[i] += x for i  in [l, r]
            int x; scanf("%d", &x);
            range_add(t2, x);
            merge(treap, t1, t2);
            merge(treap, treap, t3);
        printf("%lld\n", treap->sum);
    return 0;

Also verified using,, and

Use the following to submit solutions on aizu judge



Maintain one treap on string and the other one on the reversed string and use string hashing to check whether a string a palindrome.

void m(const node& l, const node& r, node& res) {



Heapify to build in O(n)

Reference: and and
